Microgaming, a highly reputable online casino content provider, has signed a deal with Games Global Limited to sell Quickfire. The acquisition involves a rich game portfolio, including the most favored progressive jackpot titles. If nothing comes up concerning regulatory approvals, the transaction should take place in Q2 2022. The newly-founded enterprise penetrates the market triumphantly, acquiring the famous distribution business and establishing the intention to lead the industry soon.
The deal involves the purchase of international distribution rights to a multitude of phenomenal Microgaming releases. Games Global is to acquire a comprehensive customer database consisting of over 900 famous gaming brands. The transaction doesn’t mean Microgaming will leave the Quickfire operations entirely. On the contrary, it will continue to deliver end-to-end solutions to its most prominent customers. However, the company will also concentrate on other parts of the business, including developing sports betting technology.
If everything goes as planned, Games Global will instantly access multiple prominent markets and receive ready-made assets. The operations and activities involve running twenty-five studios and over various 3,000 games, including progressive jackpots. Moreover, the distribution facilities incorporate roughly 1,000 different brands and 260 customers. The acquisition will bring many changes to the entire iGaming industry regarding ownership and control.
Microgaming allows the new enterprise to enter the industry with a bang, enabling it to have 1,100 employees dispersed on five continents. The agreement has been in the offing for a while, so stakeholders and partners will have time to get ready. There has also been an announcement that John Coleman will retire from the CEO position, with Andrew Clucas, the COO, replacing him.
Games Global was established in 2021 and is funded by private capital. It concentrates on content creation and distribution in regulated markets. Walter Bugno, the CEO, has stated the company intends to refresh the industry by developing new and exciting content. The latest iGaming juggernaut wants to cement the front-running market position early by delivering the best solutions and bolstering customer experience.
Furthermore, John Coleman has said the agreement brings a plethora of new opportunities for both enterprises. Games Global will acquire the business previously known as Quickfire, whereas Microgaming will broaden its activities to new spheres. The core business will still be running, with multiple new operations on the horizon. Both companies will look to elevate their businesses through the opportunities presented to them.
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